Comments on: CSS3 Image Gallery Just another WordPress site Tue, 03 May 2022 15:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Design Lunatic Design Lunatic Tue, 13 Dec 2011 00:37:44 +0000 Unfortunately, no, there isn’t. The hashtag symbol is used both by the “:target” selector and the scrolling function in the browser. You could use jquery to scroll the window back to the top when an image is clicked, but that would defeat the purpose of having a “CSS-only” image gallery. Short answer: Nope.

By: Brian Brian Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:19:20 +0000 Great tutorial, thanks!

Quick question. On my page, the page height is long enough to scroll and so when I click on #image1, it jumps down to the #image1 property. Is there anyway to disable the page from moving down to hashtag links when clicked so it simply displays the larger image? Thanks!
